Monday, July 11, 2022

Link it In

Here are some of the useful links that I visit. Helpful for me so it will to you. Visit their website/blog and support them in their social media profile.

Some links will be added soon. If you want to add your link feel free to post it in the comment section and I'll go check it out on my free time. - Church official Site. - Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research. Some responses of common criticisms. - My Life By Gogo Goff. This ones has some great articles that so relevant as a Latter-day Saints. - some articles by John Bytheway. - Some Good Article by Robert Boylan. Such a great Study, check out his articles. - with short clips and easy to understand article, you will come to know LDS teachings and Views. - Religious Study Center. Good source of Knowledge and research. Some books are available for online study or research. - The authoritative source for the writings, teachings, and records of Joseph Smith. Actual papers that you can read and download. - a Friend who study a whole bunch of article and filed it in his blog. Word for word and extracting a basic principle that makes it more interesting in Study, hence the name Berean, as to broaden each words and meaning. What a good source to learn and understand the doctrine both church and other sects.